Is Tech School busy?

Is Tech School busy? 

For some, Tech School is extremely busy. But compared to BMT, you’ll actually have free time to do whatever you want in the evenings. Tech School is taking the place of your work week until you get to your first base.

Tech School is a good representation of what your schedule will be like the rest of the time you’re in the Air Force. You’ll be going to school roughly 40 hours/week and then you’ll have PT roughly 3 times/week as well. You’ll also sometimes have homework or studying that you need to do. The amount depends on your job and your work ethic.

You will get free time after class everyday to do whatever you want. Personally, I suggest you always knock out any studying you might have right away, then you can enjoy the rest of the evening doing whatever you like. Playing video games, working out, Skype friends and family. Unlike BMT, in tech school you're allowed to have fun in your free time!

On weekends you will get Saturday and Sunday to explore the local area and do whatever you want. You can go out to eat, watch movies, go to bars (if you're of age), you pretty much go back to treating weekends the same way you did before you joined.

So to answer the question, is Air Force Tech School busy? Yes, but that’s what comes with having a full time job. You’ll have to be intentional with your time to maximize your free time.

Tech SchoolKyle Gott